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29 Si NMR Database  
F. Uhlig, U. Hermann, H. Marsmann
univ. Paderborn logo GIF techn. univ. Graz logo GIF
Universität Graz
Prof.Dr. F.Uhlig    
Prof.Dr. H.Marsmann    
Dr.U. Hermann    
LCI Publisher    
Silicon NMR had a slow start. From the first report by Lauterbur et al. in 1956 just a few articles per year were published. This has changed dramatically. A survey in the chemical abstracts reports about 1000 publications containing Si NMR chemical shifts per year. Analysis of novel compounds is often difficult due to the lack of related NMR data. Therefore it has become nearly impossible to keep track of all these data manually. In order to aid chemists involved in silicon chemistry we tried to collect NMR data with the help of a number of colleagues. Especially we thank the people mentioned in the acknowledgement section of the database program and their co-workers for providing their rich sources of 29Si NMR data, even supplying data not yet published.
The last update of our 29Si NMR database was in April 2008.
The next data update of our 29Si NMR database will be available in Fall 2009
The content of the 29Si NMR database were basically provided by
IMG F.Uhlig IMG U.Hermann IMG H.Marsmann
F. Uhlig U. Hermann H. Marsmann
The software of the 29Si NMR database was generated mainly by:
LCI Publisher GmbH
V. Vill, G. Peters, and S. Thiemann

Letzte Änderung an 29 Si NMR DB index (EN) V 0.3.2 am LAMP_2012-10-08_14:29 / 2010-04-19 / 2009-06-14 durch
Alk Dransfeld